Sunday, March 13, 2016


I am actually resurrecting this blog, in a manner. What is this blog, you ask? Well last year I got it in my head to read through everything Stephen King has written starting with his stand alone novels in the order they were published. Some people think I'm crazy. Some people think it's quite the undertaking. Personally, I'm enjoying everything the brilliant man has to offer. My original plan was to read the books and watch any accompanying movies/telly shows to go along with them. Well, I've read the books, can't say I've done much watching. Guess I should try harder!

So where am I? Here's a rundown of what I've read thus far and what I've thought of each book. Please bear with me, I suck at reviews!

Carrie (published 1974)

What an interesting way to write a story. I can see what it took a while for King to sell his first piece. As a writer this book breaks a lot of "laws" authors and publishers and agents tend to tell you to avoid. However, some of the best books break the mold and I found the he wrote Carrie to be interesting. It fit the story. If you aren't familiar with it, a bullied girl gets revenge on her torments with the help of telekinesis.

I enjoyed the story. Having been on the outside I suppose I identified with Carrie a bit. A lot of people have told me that this book would be scary, to me it wasn't in the least. It proved to be a quick read, enjoyable, the sort I couldn't put down.

There is corresponding movie; which I've yet to see. And I plan to see the original, not the recent remake, if I can make that happen.

Salem's Lots (published 1975)

Mr. King's answer to vampire novels. People in Jerusalem's Lots are curious about the man living in the spooky house. I read this book once years ago so it was kind of like paying a second visit to the Lots. There's something sinister lurking in Ben Mears's hometown. People are dying and it's up to a ragtag group to face the monster behind it all.

When I originally read this story I was younger so I'm not sure I really got it the way I did this time around. Leave it up to King to avoid the stereotypical vampire novel while making it work only the way he knows how.

No, I haven't seen the move for this one either.

The Stand (published 1978)

The end of the world is nigh. Good and evil are about to do battle. Evil is a man in a jean jacket with boots that makes his home in Vegas, of all places. Good is represented by a kindly old lady on the move. The remains of the human race are drawn to one or the other. If you like the current wave of post-apocalyptic novels make sure you pick up this gem. It's a long read, though, so be aware of that. I guess that's my biggest complaint, the drawn out factor. There's a lot of story to be told and Mr. King makes sure not to miss a single detail. I fell in love with a handful of the characters and was always rooting for them and fretting about their safety.

As for the movie, it's almost always on TV so I have seen a good portion of it. However, I have never watched it in it's entirety. And now I hear that they are remaking it.

Okay, there are the first three. I think that's good enough for the first blog. I do have plenty more to touch upon as I've read a decent amount already. This has been a fun journey thus far letting me revisit books I picked up in the past and also discovering new favorites. I will try to update again tomorrow.

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