Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Prince

I haven't made it to my next King yet as I now need to get a copy of Pet Sematary. Apparently, no one I know has a copy to loan me! How is that possible? Are these people not enjoying the beautiful words of King?

So for now I will touch on another absolutely wonderful writer.

Joe Hill.

One of Stephen King's sons.

Can I just say that I love his stories as much as I love his father's? What are they drinking in that family and how can I get my hands on some??

For me it started with Heart Shaped Box. That's all it took, one book, and I was hooked. I couldn't get my hands on 20th Century Ghosts fast enough and I'm fairly certain I made quick work of it. Though not nearly as quick as Horns. The last has been released as a movie  starring Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame. I know of at least one person who saw it and didn't like in the least. But I did. There's something magical about watching a book you love coming to life on the scree. As long as one stays close to the book and doesn't distort the beloved story too much.

There are plenty of other stories that Mr. Hill has written. I have NOS4A2 in my to-read pile and must get my hands on a copy of The Fireman now that it has been released. Locke and Key intrigues me so trust me, I will be taking the foray into that world, too, which will no doubt be wonderful.

Hey, since I don't have my next King I suppose I could read some Joe Hill. Problem solved!